Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Elite - The Augustine Team

Should I Stage My Home Before Listing It?

Wondering if you should stage your home before listing it on the market? If you’ve never sold a home before, you might think that home staging is an unnecessary expense. But while home staging technically isn’t a requirement, it has several benefits and can help you get the most value out of your home. 

In this post, our team at Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Elite - The Augustine Team will discuss why you should consider staging your home before listing it on the market.

What Are the Benefits of Home Staging?

Enhance the Visual Appeal of Your Home

Home staging is meant to enhance the visual appeal of your property so that it stands out on the market and attracts home buyers. Typically, you only stage the rooms in your home with the highest traffic, like the living room, kitchen, and master bedroom. 

Professional home stagers will initially suggest ways to improve the room, such as decluttering furniture, removing knick-knacks, photos, and other personal items, or painting the room a different color. 

Then, the stager might bring in some of their own furniture and decor pieces that they know are attractive to potential home buyers. They’ll use those items to rearrange the room to showcase its best features and maximize natural lighting.

Give Your Home More Perceived Value

Staging your home gives you a chance to sell your home faster and for more money. On average, your home can sell 88% faster and for 20% more money if you invest in a home stager.

The cost of home staging depends on how many months you stage your home, but it’s typically several thousand dollars. If you pass on home staging and leave your home empty, you might be saving money on hiring a home stager, but you’ll be sacrificing thousands in potential profits.

That’s because staging helps buyers see the potential for each room and imagine themselves living in the home. Staging also often has the effect of making a home appear more attractive, luxurious, and valuable, which incentivizes buyers to make a higher, more competitive offer.

Lastly, staged homes provide an excellent backdrop for professional photography, which is crucial for online listings. High-quality photos can attract more potential buyers and generate more interest in your property.

What Are the Cons of Home Staging?

There are some drawbacks to home staging that are worth considering, though the benefits typically outweigh the negatives. Some of the cons associated with home staging include:

  • Cost: Hiring a professional stager and renting furniture and decor can add up quickly. For this reason, it’s essential to have a clear budget and strategy to avoid paying more for staging than you make from the sale.
  • Inconvenience: Staging your home can be inconvenient, especially if you’re still living in it. You may need to move or store some of your furniture and personal belongings.
  • Stylistic Differences: Home staging is a form of design, and design is subjective. This can be a concern if the staging doesn’t align with the preferences of your target market.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: Staging requires constant maintenance to keep the property looking its best. This means you’ll need to be diligent about cleaning, arranging, and decluttering throughout the listing period.

Should I Stage My Home Before Listing It?

It’s almost always a good idea to stage your home before listing it. But staging is particularly beneficial if the home is vacant, has a unique layout, or has certain features you want to emphasize. 

Staging is also beneficial when the market is a buyer’s market or is generally slower. Investing in staging is also great if you plan to primarily market your home online. Using high-quality photos of a staged home in your listing can capture the attention of potential buyers

If you’re unsure about whether or not staging is worth it, there are some scenarios where you may be able to skip hiring a professional and do it yourself. For example, if you have a limited budget, it may be better to focus on other cost-effective ways to improve your home’s appeal, such as deep cleaning and minor repairs.

In addition, if the market is a hot seller’s market where properties are selling quickly with multiple offers, staging might not be necessary. Buyers may be willing to overlook minor imperfections due to the scarcity of available homes.

Stage Your Home With the Help of Our Team

If you want to find the top home stagers in your area, you’ll need to work with an experienced realtor. A realtor who’s been in the industry for years will have an extensive network of real estate professionals they can refer you to.

If you’re searching for a home stager in Burlington, Hamilton, and Grimsby, look no further than Steve Augustine and Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Elite - The Augustine Team. With nearly 20 years of experience in the real estate industry, we have many professionals we regularly partner with.

Plus, with our Guaranteed Sale Program and Get Your Home Ready Offer, we’re the best choice to help you sell your home risk-free, stress-free – sell your home guaranteed!

To learn more about working with us to stage your home, reach out to us at (289) 235-8000 or complete the form on this page.

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